What to Expect with Chiropractic Care

Have you considered chiropractic care but are not quite sure what to expect? Well my name is Dr. Kevin Murphy, and I am going to try and answer some of your questions and help you figure out whether chiropractic may be the right fit for you.
One question that gets asked a lot is about who I see as patients. I would describe my patient base as a family practice where I see people of all ages and abilities. This includes babies to great grandparents. I also work with a lot of motor vehicle accident injuries and ICBC cases.
Since many chiropractors operate differently, we often get asked what to expect in that first visit. The very first visit is usually booked for 30 minutes. Although we may not use the entire time, I try my best to get a focused health history regarding the complaint that brought you into the office, as well as a physical exam to help determine an appropriate diagnosis for your concern. After the diagnosis has been discussed and as long as I do not find any contraindications; patients will then get their first treatment.
The main tools in my toolbox include soft tissue work, chiropractic adjusting, joint mobilizations and lifestyle/home advice as well as specific exercises. I have previously been trained in a soft tissue therapy called Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) which is typical for me to use. I also use a vibration/massage tool for areas that are more broad. The purpose of working soft tissues is to help free up joints that I intend on adjusting. I find it is sometimes a little easier to deliver an adjustment if tight muscles can first be addressed.
As for level of comfort, there are patients who ask to not have a specific type of adjustment and I always do my best to work around this request. I want to ensure that I am only treating you in a way that you are comfortable with. This is also why I have other tools I can utilize, and we can simply focus a little more on gentle joint mobilizations and soft tissue work in these circumstances.
I also try my best to help manage people expectations with respect to prognosis and how long it will take to see improvements. Depending on the health concern, this differs for almost everyone. Usually it takes a little longer than people wish for, which is why I give you things to do at home to help move things along as fast as possible. This includes an exercise or two given out during appointments as well as at home or work advice. I find that your concerns often have the best outcome when we work together in more of a partnership where I do my part and you do yours.
I do love what I do and get a lot of joy in seeing the diverse range of people that come through our doors. I am happy to be in the community and to be involved and work with such a great group of practitioners at Whole Body Health and Wellness. We will often share insight when appropriate about cases to help people make the best of their time here, and improve their health as much as possible.
I look forward to the possibility of serving you.
Interested in what Chiropractic care can do for you? Give our office a call at 604-479-0777.